Pub Nungesser
Traditional cuisine
in Prouvy
The decision to create the PUB NUNGESSER was made by Pierre and Evelyne DEPREZ. As the Aerodrome had only one control tower, it seemed interesting to them to install a Bar / restaurant in wood on this area. If it was important for the creators that the PUB NUNGESSER is made of wood it is because in the 1960s, control towers were very often made of wood. The name "PUB NUNGESSER" is not chosen by chance. It is with the agreement of Roland NUNGESSER former minister and nephew of this...
The decision to create the PUB NUNGESSER was made by Pierre and Evelyne DEPREZ. As the Aerodrome had only one control tower, it seemed interesting to them to install a Bar / restaurant in wood on this area. If it was important for the creators that the PUB NUNGESSER is made of wood it is because in the 1960s, control towers were very often made of wood. The name "PUB NUNGESSER" is not chosen by chance. It is with the agreement of Roland NUNGESSER former minister and nephew of this aeronautical figure; Charles NUNGESSER, whom Pierre passionate about Aeronautics has named his Bar / Restaurant as well. The Air meeting existing since 1987, it was obvious that the PUB NUNGESSER would be the link with this event. Quickly, the installation was double. Evelyne, an outstanding cook, went into the restaurant business, and Pierre, who was in love with planes, and his son, Laurent, set about setting up the air meeting. This is why each year, the Air meeting calls on the expertise of the Pub Nungesser for the production and provision of meals on July 14 at lunch and dinner.
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